Cobourg Osteopathy. 18 Spencer St. East
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Common questions
What should I do after my treatment?
- Go for a walk at some point today. Even 10 minutes
- Drink 2-3 bottles of water ( standard water bottle size)
- Avoid major workouts, heavy lifting or strenuous physical activity for 24 hours.
- if you are feeling tired make sure you get adequate rest
How will I feel after the treatment?
- Most people feel relaxed and calm after treatment
- Some people will experience discomfort or increased symptoms post-treatment within 24-48 hours after a treatment - these symptoms should be gone within 72 hours.
What can I Do?
- walking - stay hydrated
- swimming - journal
- cycling - meditate
- breathing/relaxation - nutritional program
- See your MD/GP - Naturopathic Doctor
- acupuncture - Physiotherapy
- counselling
- Massage Therapy
- Occupational Therapy